
Showing posts from October, 2023

Entry #6: Verizon Wishes

     How many of you guys want a new phone? I know I do, and it’s a good thing I have Verizon! In Verizon’s new commercial,  Wishes , they’re trying to influence viewer’s to transfer to their company by using humor to communicate their outstanding offers and deals.      To begin, the commercial starts with an anxious father stealing his daughter’s birthday wish. How rude, but kind of funny because it’s something my dad would do. His wish was for a new iPhone 15 Pro. Then, Jason Bateman, the Verizon guy, pulls him aside to explain what Verizon has to offer. Knowing that the father has a busted up phone, Jason explains that Verizon takes any type of beat up phone and exchanges it for an iPhone 15 Pro. But, wait. Where’s the funny part? The funny part is when Jason begins saying, “Instead of stealing birthday wishes…” This is funny, because we were all thinking about the fact he did that to his own daughter!      To continue, the father then sits down saying, “Now I don’t have to ruin any

Entry #5: Allstate Mayhem

     WATCH OUT! Don’t burn your house down! It’ll be way to expensive to fix, unless you have Allstate. In the advertisement,  Beauty Blogger , Allstate Mayhem is trying to convince their audience to switch to their company to cover all of your “mayhem” by using humor to relate to younger generations.      First and foremost, the advertisement begins with some humorous dialogue that would relate to the younger generation of women. It begins with the man filming himself curling his hair on what is called a “blog.” Although a lot of older women also do hair, younger generations are more likely to blog themselves while doing their hair. He goes on to say, “this mermaid how-to will definitely get me a lot of likes.” This for sure got a chuckle out of me, and it probably did from other people. This is a funny thing to say, because when you first look at him, you wouldn’t expect him to know what that is. Additionally, younger generations grew up on social media, and for most of us, getting a

Entry #4: Origin of Halloween

      BOO! Did I scare you? No, well whatever. When you think of Halloween, you might think of the costumes, trick or treating, scary movies, haunted houses, and so much more fun things. Yet, what is Halloween and its origin? Today, let’s dive into the legend behind one of the best holiday’s ever.      To begin with, 2,000 years ago, in what is now Ireland, the United Kingdom, and northern France, lived the Celts. The Celts celebrated their new year on November 1st. According to , they believed the night before the new year, October 31st, the worlds of the living and dead united. At the Celtic festival of Samhain, they would light bonfires and wear costumes to repel ghosts. I’m guessing this is where we got the idea to dress up in costumes! However, they also believed the presence of spirits helped Celtic priests make predictions of the future! Kind of cool, huh? I wonder what types of predictions they made. Anyways, to honor this event, Celtic priest’s built sacred bonfire

Entry #3: Ice Breakers

   Hello everyone! Have you guys ever had Ice Breakers? Well, what did you think about it? All I have to say is it should be named “Mouth Breakers.” In my opinion, the taste is wayyyy too strong. I put one in the mouth, and WOW, it’s always spicy if you know what I mean. When it touches my tongue, I cringe and my eyes begin to water. The spice doesn’t go away, but instead becomes worse. Don’t even get me started with the tiny “cooling crystals” they put in it! I believe that is what makes it spicy. The texture wasn’t my favorite either for the tiny crystals always scratch my tongue. I can barely keep it in my mouth for five seconds without wanting to throw up. They just aren’t for me, and my dog doesn’t like them either. Yes, my dog, and it’s actually a very funny story.     To begin, no I did not intentionally give my dog this horrible, spicy monstrosity. That would be animal cruelty. My mom and I were on our way out the door to go to the store when she offered me one. I declined, an