Entry #4: Origin of Halloween

     BOO! Did I scare you? No, well whatever. When you think of Halloween, you might think of the costumes, trick or treating, scary movies, haunted houses, and so much more fun things. Yet, what is Halloween and its origin? Today, let’s dive into the legend behind one of the best holiday’s ever.

     To begin with, 2,000 years ago, in what is now Ireland, the United Kingdom, and northern France, lived the Celts. The Celts celebrated their new year on November 1st. According to History.com, they believed the night before the new year, October 31st, the worlds of the living and dead united. At the Celtic festival of Samhain, they would light bonfires and wear costumes to repel ghosts. I’m guessing this is where we got the idea to dress up in costumes! However, they also believed the presence of spirits helped Celtic priests make predictions of the future! Kind of cool, huh? I wonder what types of predictions they made. Anyways, to honor this event, Celtic priest’s built sacred bonfires where they would burn crops and animals as a sacrifice. The costumes they wore were animal heads and skins. Crazyyyyy!

     Then, in the eighth century, Pope Gregory III made November 1st All Saints’ Day. Soon, they would blend together the traditions from both the newfound Christianity ways and the Celtic’s ways. They would celebrate with bonfires, parades, and dressed up as saints, angels and devils. Since All Saints’ Day was also referred to as All-Hallows, it made October 31st All-Hallows Eve; and eventually Halloween.

     I’ve always loved Halloween, but this new information made it so much more interesting! It’s crazy to think this fun holiday was once an actual scary day for some people. Imagine being in that time period and worrying about the dead coming into your world. I would be SOOO scared! Do you guys think this is what actually happens and we’ve maybe just normalized it? On a less serious note, let me know what you’re dressing up as this year! Have a good one guys!


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  1. Hi
    I find your blogs to be informative and entertaining. Your post gave me a brief understanding of the pagan holiday and made sure to include the cultural background and its customs just in time for the Spooky season. The pictures really brought the post together.

  2. Reading your post gave me a great understanding and background of Halloween. I love how you explained its history of its pagan origins, and its cultural impact. Thanks for the information and backstory of this spooky holiday. I hope you a spooktacular Halloween season!

  3. Effective job of using your own unique voice and personality in this post. You have found a nice balance between casual/professional.


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