Entry #3: Ice Breakers

   Hello everyone! Have you guys ever had Ice Breakers? Well, what did you think about it? All I have to say is it should be named “Mouth Breakers.” In my opinion, the taste is wayyyy too strong. I put one in the mouth, and WOW, it’s always spicy if you know what I mean. When it touches my tongue, I cringe and my eyes begin to water. The spice doesn’t go away, but instead becomes worse. Don’t even get me started with the tiny “cooling crystals” they put in it! I believe that is what makes it spicy. The texture wasn’t my favorite either for the tiny crystals always scratch my tongue. I can barely keep it in my mouth for five seconds without wanting to throw up. They just aren’t for me, and my dog doesn’t like them either. Yes, my dog, and it’s actually a very funny story.

    To begin, no I did not intentionally give my dog this horrible, spicy monstrosity. That would be animal cruelty. My mom and I were on our way out the door to go to the store when she offered me one. I declined, and instead of putting them back into her purse, she accidentally dropped it. They scattered around the floor, and my dog slowly outs one in her mouth. She immediately spits it out, and backs away from it. She begins dry heaving and circling around the living room. Next thing you know, she’s throwing up all over the tile. The spice definitely got to her.

    Knowing that my own dog doesn’t like it must mean it’s pretty bad. However, that’s just my opinion. I really don’t like how it makes my mouth taste after, and it’s altogether just nasty to me. I would like to see if you guys agree. What do you think about Ice Breakers? Do you have any funny stories? Comment down below! Have a great night!


  1. Aww, your poor dog, but what a fitting image!

    Slow down and push yourself to develop sensory details to help engage the reader in the actual experience of eating this mint.


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