
Entry #10: The Consequences of Fast Food

      When you’re feeling too lazy or don’t have enough time to make food, what do you do? Many people would answer this question with the solution of buying fast food. While fast food can be tasty and convenient, it’s horrible for your overall health.     To begin, it can cause many negative effects to your digestive and cardiovascular systems. According to Healthline , when your digestive system breaks down the fast food you ate, it turns it into sugar which can increase your blood sugar. Your pancreas can then lower it to normal by releasing insulin. Eating too much fast food can cause multiple insulin spikes, meaning at one point, your normal insulin response can start to falter. This can also increase risks for insulin resistance, type-2 diabetes, and weight gain. Many fast food items contain trans fat and sodium. Trans fat can increase bad cholesterol while lowering good cholesterol, and increase risk of type-2 diabetes and heart diseases. Sodium can increase your blood pressure

Entry #9: Food Inflation

  Picture     Good afternoon bloggers! However, is it really a good afternoon with all of the recent economic inflation? Currently, the prices for everything is increasing and people have been struggling to pay for their needs. This image represents people all over America who are paying loads of money of food that they need.     More specifically, in this image we see a man feeding his plate money. His facial expressions tells us he’s upset by this, maybe even worried. This is how many people feel when they decide to go shopping. They look at the price for their NEEDS and end up disappointed or furious by the price they see.  According to  NBC News , since a year ago, the cost of eggs has increased by 60%; bread and lunch meat increased by 15%; milk and cheese increased by 12%. For those who make such a low income, they might struggle to buy groceries due to the high prices. According to  Yahoo Finance , a consumer research group stated 59% of Americans struggle to buy groceries. Due

Entry #8: Why Turkey?

                                                                                        Mental Floss      When you think of Thanksgiving, the first thing that comes to mind is the food. Whether it’s the turkey, cranberry sauce, sweet potato casserole, green bean casserole, or pumpkin pie.  The thought of Thanksgiving came from the Pilgrims of Plymouth in 1621, but there wasn’t exactly a whole menu describing the feast. By saying this, have you ever thought why we eat the food we eat on this holiday?     Let us begin with the turkey. According to  Mental Floss , a colonist who wrote a journal about the Pilgrims of Plymouth, Edward Winslow, wrote about the Thanksgiving feast they had. Although it didn’t exactly say they ate turkey, it mentioned they ate some type of bird. However, he did write about how they hunted turkey in the autumn of 1621, which was around the time they had the feast. People also believed it was turkey they ate, because turkey’s are mainly in North America. After Ab

Entry #7: Fresh

    Good afternoon fellow bloggers! Did you know industrialized farming causes food contamination, depletes natural resources, uses unsafe chemicals and fertilizers, and much more. A lot of the food we eat comes from industrialized farming, and many people don’t realize how bad it actually is. However, in the documentary  Fresh , it shows the farmers and businesses who use sustainable farming to better the environment and food we consume.     My favorite part of this documentary is the segment of Joel Salatin’s sustainable farm in Virginia. Instead of using unnatural chemicals on his crops and land, he lets nature run its course. He allows his cows to graze on the field, and lets them to their business (manure). The dung and manure is left to work as a natural fertilizer. That might sound gross, but I would rather that than ingesting chemicals! After the fact, he then lets his chickens peck at the bugs and larvae to somewhat “sanitize” the manure in order for it to continuing fertiliz

Entry #6: Verizon Wishes

     How many of you guys want a new phone? I know I do, and it’s a good thing I have Verizon! In Verizon’s new commercial,  Wishes , they’re trying to influence viewer’s to transfer to their company by using humor to communicate their outstanding offers and deals.      To begin, the commercial starts with an anxious father stealing his daughter’s birthday wish. How rude, but kind of funny because it’s something my dad would do. His wish was for a new iPhone 15 Pro. Then, Jason Bateman, the Verizon guy, pulls him aside to explain what Verizon has to offer. Knowing that the father has a busted up phone, Jason explains that Verizon takes any type of beat up phone and exchanges it for an iPhone 15 Pro. But, wait. Where’s the funny part? The funny part is when Jason begins saying, “Instead of stealing birthday wishes…” This is funny, because we were all thinking about the fact he did that to his own daughter!      To continue, the father then sits down saying, “Now I don’t have to ruin any

Entry #5: Allstate Mayhem

     WATCH OUT! Don’t burn your house down! It’ll be way to expensive to fix, unless you have Allstate. In the advertisement,  Beauty Blogger , Allstate Mayhem is trying to convince their audience to switch to their company to cover all of your “mayhem” by using humor to relate to younger generations.      First and foremost, the advertisement begins with some humorous dialogue that would relate to the younger generation of women. It begins with the man filming himself curling his hair on what is called a “blog.” Although a lot of older women also do hair, younger generations are more likely to blog themselves while doing their hair. He goes on to say, “this mermaid how-to will definitely get me a lot of likes.” This for sure got a chuckle out of me, and it probably did from other people. This is a funny thing to say, because when you first look at him, you wouldn’t expect him to know what that is. Additionally, younger generations grew up on social media, and for most of us, getting a

Entry #4: Origin of Halloween

      BOO! Did I scare you? No, well whatever. When you think of Halloween, you might think of the costumes, trick or treating, scary movies, haunted houses, and so much more fun things. Yet, what is Halloween and its origin? Today, let’s dive into the legend behind one of the best holiday’s ever.      To begin with, 2,000 years ago, in what is now Ireland, the United Kingdom, and northern France, lived the Celts. The Celts celebrated their new year on November 1st. According to , they believed the night before the new year, October 31st, the worlds of the living and dead united. At the Celtic festival of Samhain, they would light bonfires and wear costumes to repel ghosts. I’m guessing this is where we got the idea to dress up in costumes! However, they also believed the presence of spirits helped Celtic priests make predictions of the future! Kind of cool, huh? I wonder what types of predictions they made. Anyways, to honor this event, Celtic priest’s built sacred bonfire