Gossip Gossip

     The two blog's joining us here today is TMZ Chrisean is Having a Baby and Insider's Joe Jonas Divorce Lawyer. These blog's inform you of the new trending hot gossip, but what makes them different and which one's better?

                                                                   Chrisean Rock Apepesa kwa Blueface ndi Mafani Ake, Amapempha Mapemphero a Mavuto a Mental HealthChrisean Rock

    To begin, TMZ's tone throughout the whole blog is casual/professional while Insider's is more of a professional tone. While talking about the controversial talk about Chriseans's new baby, TMZ includes the phrase, "smoking with a bun in the oven," which is a more fun way of saying she smoked while being pregnant. This shows personality from whoever runs TMZ. Whereas Insider's is informal, but it's lacking the personality that hooks and attracts more readers. Additionally, both blogs include a visual, but in my opinion, TMZ provides a video that will intrigue their viewers more. Insider's provided a picture of Joe Jonas and his soon to be ex-wife, while TMZ included a short video of Chrisean yelling at someone while she is having herself filmed LIVE on Instagram! Crazy, right? I would attach that video here if it wasn't too PG-13, so instead the picture I attached is the boring picture from Insider's.  Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner pose together on a blue carpet for a Vanity Fair event Insider's picture

    Overall, TMZ's blog sharing the insight to Chrisean's new baby is way better than Insider's blog about Joe Jonas's divorce. With this type of blog, it's important to also have a personality when writing about new gossip. The audience is usually Gen-Z and they need personality and videos to be drawn to read an article. Let me know of you agree!


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  2. You've done a good job of pulling out some concrete evidence to analyze here -- good start. Don't forget that before you jump into analyzing and considering the blogs themselves, you first need to set up the post, establish the context, and invite the reader into the conversation. Also, consider the two blogs as a whole (not just individual posts) and analyze the elements of the blogs that also impact the reader/viewer's experience. Font? Color? Size? Photo to text ratio? Simplicity versus busyness, etc.?

  3. Your compare and contrast of the two gossip columns is great! Your opinion is very clear in this on how you view TMZ as the better choice compared to Insiders. Seeing that the clear tone in your blog is to inform others on how TMZ is better is very clear. Also stating that there is a video of Chrisean yelling at someone is insane. My question is, what kind of post does Insider have?

  4. Hi Kathryn! I enjoyed reading your assignment because I feel as though you compared the difference between Insider and TMZ extremely well. I also agree that TMZ displayed a more casual tone when talking about Chrisean Rock by making jokes as well as displaying an intentionally funny video of her giving birth. Where as the Insider went for a very professional tone and mood in there article. Lastly, I'm glad you addressed how most of the people who are interested in both of these individuals are apart of Generation Z, and in order to get there audience interested, they should go for a more casual tone.


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